Your network is your net worth. That is debatable but true when you understand how to go about it in a business world...
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View ArticlesCivic Literacy as an Entrepreneur in the Digital Global World
At Holistic Literacy Empowerment Hub, we believe in holistic literacy. That means being literate in all aspects of...
Global Literacy in life & Business
As an entrepreneur operating in a global digital economy on the digital global platform, it is imperative to have a...
The Importance of Holistic Literacy Skills in Access to Information and Netiquette on the Internet:
Reflecting on the 28th of September as an International Day for Universal Access to Information, I realized how I...
The High Demand for Writing Skills in the Digital Economy:
The old school system and mentality of you going to school and getting good grades, then going to college and getting...
The Speaking Skill for Personal Development in The Digital Economy:
Holistically, Speaking and Listening Skills make you a whole person. Most baby boomers like myself hated the Speaking...
Why You Need the Listening Skill for Personal Development in The Digital World:
Here is the thing, the present-day world has become a verbal world of instructions for self-development through...
Literacy For Better High -Technology Solutions in Education
With the continuous recurrences of the covid- 19 infection scares and lockdowns of main economic activities including...
Literacy Skills for Autistic Learners/Children:
April is an Autism Awareness month which is marked on the 2nd of April to raise awareness of autism and its...
Inspirational Autobiography Writing – Christmas Literacy Inspiration:
Holistic literacy is synonymous with Creative literacy. Most creative entrepreneurial people have come to believe that...
Literacy in Life and Business in the Digital World
Literacy has come to mean more than just the ability to read and write text. It has evolved into being able to read...
How to Claim Your Digital Space and Presence in The Digital Global Economy:
Basic literacy skills are the foundation for holistic literacy, which is the basis of being literate enough to have...